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//-->______________________________________Translation Practices Explained______________________________________Translation Practices Explainedis a series of coursebooks designed to helpself-learners and teachers of translation. Each volume focuses on a speci¿caspect of professional translation practice, in many cases corresponding toactual courses available in translator-training institutions. Special volumesare devoted to well consolidated professional areas, such as legal translationor European Union texts; to areas where labour-market demands are currentlyundergoing considerable growth, such as screen translation in its differentforms; and to speci¿c aspects of professional practices on which little teachingand learning material is available, the case of editing and revising, or electronictools. The authors are practising translators or translator trainers in the ¿eldsconcerned. Although specialists, they explain their professional insights in amanner accessible to the wider learning public.These books start from the recognition that professional translation practicesrequire something more than elaborate abstraction or ¿xed methodologies.They are located close to work on authentic texts, and encourage learners toproceed inductively, solving problems as they arise from examples and casestudies.Each volume includes activities and exercises designed to help self-learnersconsolidate their knowledge; teachers may also ¿nd these useful for directapplication in class, or alternatively as the basis for the design and preparationof their own material. Updated reading lists and website addresses will alsohelp individual learners gain further insight into the realities of professionalpractice.Dorothy KellySeries EditorThis page intentionally left blankAudiovisual Translation: SubtitlingJorge Diaz Cintas&Aline RemaelJO:l'geDi3ZMine RemaelRoutledgeLONDON AND NEW YORKROUTLEDGETaylor & Francis GroupFirstpublished 2007bye St.Jerome Publishingbylcrome PublishillgPublished2014byRoutledge2014Mi/ton2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN711ThirdAvenue, New York, NY 10017, USA711NewYork,WOl7,Routledge isanimprint of the Tayior&PnmcisGroup,ll/1injàrma businessTaylar& Francisat!©lorge Diaz Cintas&Alille Remael 2007largeCilltas Alme Re:maelAllrightsreserved. No part of this book maybI.'reprinted or reproduced or utilised inan}'form orreserred. NQtllishookmaybereprOdl\CedlItilised",nyfonl1byany eleäronic, mechanica!,hyan}'electronic, mechanical, or othermeans, nowknown orhereafterinvented, indudingphotocopy'ingphotocopying and recording, or in any information.storageor retrieval system, without permissionrecarding,Ofinformatiol'lstoragewitnoatperrnissionin writing from the publishers.i.ntilt'NoticesKnowledge and best practiceinthis Held are constantly changing. As new research and experiencepracticI:thi"fieldcOl1stantlydu.nging.A3broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medicaloW' undel'standing,re~an:htreatnlellt may become necessary.tre.atmentIDaybecmne necessary.Praçtitionemand researchers must always rely on theirOWIlexperience and knowledgeinrese,ucherslTI<lsta!waysownPractitionersevaluating andusingally illfonnation, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. Inamlany information,cornpmmds,ex:periments descrmedusing such int(Jrmation or methodstheyshould be mindful of their own safety and thes:afetyofinformatiol1mindfit!tbesafetyothers,induding partiesfor whom they have a professional:responsibilily.includingresponsibility.hllveTathefullest extent of the law, neither thePublishernor the authors, contributors, or editors,ToeXWIllçontributors,assume anyliabilityfor auy injury aud/or damage to persons orpropertyas a matter ofpwdu.dsIiabilityfOl'anyproperty·produetskmd/orueglig,;nceOf(lnyofanyliability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation ofany methods,products,il1structions, or ideas contained in the material herein.i.n,structiom,icleasISBN13: 978-1-900650-95-3 (pbk)978-1~900650~95-3(phk)ISSN 1470-966X(Trans/atlon Practices Explained)(Transl<lltionTypesetbyhyDeltaT}~5etter;;,Typesettel's,Caim. EgyptBritishLibraJJ'CataloguinginPublicatiollDataPublicalionrecord thi, bookrromBritüm LibraryAcatalogue record ofdlis hook isavailable fromtheBritishLibl'aryLibrmy ofCongl-e8s Cataloging-in-Publication DataLibral}'ofCongress Cataloging-in-PllhlicationDiazDfazCintas, large.Jorge.Audiovisual translation : subtitling!large Diaz Cintas&Aline RenlaeLsubtitling,lJorge DîazAlHle Remael.p. cm. --(Tl'anslationpractices explained, ISSN 1470-966X)(Tnmslat1c.nprl'lctiee~IlldudesreIeren.:e;;indexIncludes bibliographical references and index...ISBN 1-900650-95-9 (pbk. : alk. paper)papel')1. Tmmlating and interpreting. 2.:1vfass mediaaudlangltage.3...Tmnslatingintet'Pretll1g.2..Massalldlanguage.3Dubbing of motion pictures. 4. Televisionprogl'ams--Titling.5.Motionmotio!lTdevlslonS.pictures--Titl.ing.:<l1alysi;;;.LILpictul'es--Titling.6. Discourse allalysis.I.Remael,Aline. H. Title.P30(i2.D53P306"2.D532006778.5'2344--dc22'2344--dd22006028262 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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