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The Focus of Life
By Austin Osman Spare
The Mutterings of Aaos
"Now for reality"
"Aàos recovers from the Death Posture"
"Nature is more atrocious"
I bring a sword that contains its own medicine: The sour milk that cureth the body.
Prepare to meet God, the omnifarious believing,-Thyself the living truth. Die not to spare,
but that the world may perish. Nature is more atrocious. Learning all things from Thee in
the most sinister way for representation: from thy thought to become thereafter. Having
suffered pleasure and pain, gladly dost thou deny the things of existence for freedom of
desire- from this sorry mess of inequality-once so desired. And is fear of desire. The
addition of the 'I' of a greater illusion. Desire is the conception I and induces Thou. There
is neither thou nor I nor a third person- loosing this consciousness by unity of I and Self;
there would be no limit to consciousness in sexuality. Isolation in ecstasy, the final
inducement, is enough-But, procreate thou alone! Speak not to serve but to scoff. Hearest
thou, heaven's loud guffaw? Directly the mouth opens it speaks righteousness. In the
ecstatic laughter of men I hear their volition towards release. How can I speak that for
which I have necessitated silence? Salvation shall be
Unsay all things: and true, as is time, that speaketh all
things. Of what use are hints or stage whispers? True
wisdom cannot be expressed by articulate sounds. The
language of fools-is words. In the labyrinth of the
alphabet the truth is hidden. It is one thing repeated
many times. Confined within the limits or rationalism;
no guess has yet answered. O Zos, thou art fallen into
the involuntary accident of birth and rebirth into the
incarnating ideas of women. A partial sexuality
entangled in the morass of sensual law. On earth the
circle was fabricated. The origin of all things is the
complex self. How shall it be made the end of things?
Dubious of all things by this increase, and ignorance of
individuality. I or Self, in conflict, separate. This
forgetfulness of symboli becomes the unexplored
'reason' of existence. Unable to concieve the events of
the present: what shall be knowledge of past and
future? Verily, this creator speaks 'I know not what I
do.' And in this living nightmare, where all is cannibalism. Why dost thou deny thyself?
Verily, Man resembles his creator, in that he consumes himself in much filth. Heaven
gives indiscriminately of its superabundance to make the ghastly struggle called
existence. The necessity was a deliberate serving of its own pleasure-becoming more
alien. Remoteness from self is pain and precocious creation. Through this remoteness
from Self-thou dost not hear thine own call to be potentially Thyself. The living self does
not habitate. There is no truth in thy wish. Pleasure wearies of thee. Ecstatic fulfilment of
ecstasy, is it asking too much? Alas, the smallness of man's desire! Thou shalt suffer all
things once again: unimagined sensations, and so consume the whole world. O Zos, thou
shalt live in millions of forms and every conceivable thing shall happen unto Thee.
Remember these senses are that which thou hast desired. What is all thought but a
morality of the senses that has become sex? What is desired of the Self is given-
eventually. The desire is sufficient. The 'Self,' will pleasure in all things. There is only
one sense,-the sexual. There is only one desire,-procreation. I am the cause-thou the
effect. I am all that I concieve. Not for all time but at some time. 'I multiply I' is creation:
The sexual infinity. There is no end to the details of my extreme likeness. The more
chaotic-the more complete am I. The soul is the ancestral animals. The body their
knowledge. This omnivorous soul, how lusty: it would seem to be everlasting in its
suicide. These modified sexualities are the index of knowledge; this realized; the dualities
do not obstruct with associations that involve infinite complexities and much education.
Existence is a continuation of self- realization. To create value where there is none. By all
desire being one there is no overlapping nor the later necessity of undesiring. Complex
desire is the further creation of different desire, not the realization of [particular] desire.
O Zos, Thou shall die of extreme youth! Death is a disease of fear. All is a backward
walking-realized incapacity of volition: To walk towards thyself. With thine infinite self
multiplication of associations Thou knowest all things. Amo ng sentient creatures human
birth is highly desirable, man desires emancipation- liberation to his primeval self.
Remember! Didst thou leave the high estate for worse things? Man becomes what he
relapses into.
Cast into demoniacal moulds, human nature is the worst possible nature. The degenerate
need women, dispense with that part of thyself. Give unto her all thy weaknesses, it is the
suffering half. Pain awaits him, who is sentimentally desirous. Be it thus: 'Woman, there
shall be no vintage from our kisses'. In man and woman is thy 'being.' But I say, Thou
could'st create this body anew. Awake! The time has come for the new sexualities! Then
would be occasion for greater pleasures. To improve the species ye men must love one
another. This old illusion of righteousness has gained a future state wherein men labour
every doubt. Thou art that which thou dost prefer. The seer, the instrument of seeing, or
the seen. Conscious desire is the negation of possession: the procrastination of reality.
Make thy desire subconscious; the organic is creative impluse to will. Beware of thy
desire. Let it be something that implies nothing but itself. There are no differences-only
degrees of sensation. Provoke consciousness in touch, ecstasy in vision. Let thy highest
virtue be: "Insatiety of desire, brave self- indulgence and primeval sexualism." Realization
is not by the mere utterance of the words 'I am I' nor by self- abuse, but by the living act.
If the desire for realization exists in thee, sensouous objects will continually provide
conveniences. Realization of this Self, which is all pleasure at will, is by consciousness of
one thing in belief. To be the same is the difficulty. Thought is the negation of
knowledge. Be thy business with action only. Purge thyself of belief: live like a tree
walking! Take no thought of good or evil. Become self-active causality by Unity of thine,
I and Self. Reality exists but not in consciousness of such: this phenomenal 'I' is
noumenal and neither- neither. Now thus is concentration explained: "The will, the desire,
the belief; lived as inseparable, become realization." Truth concerns exactitude of belief,
not reality. He who has no law is free. In all things there is no necessity. Become weary
of devising wisdom in morals. Many unseemly words have been spoken in self slander,
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